

主演:Franklin Ferguson  Clinton Leupp  Dan Wells  




导演:Dean Minerd  Douglas Ross  


  The Bravo Channel has followed up its groundbreaking "Gay Weddings" series with "Boy Meets Boy."

  The latter, which premiered a few weeks ago (in July, 2003) is a kind of transitional hybrid of "Weddings" and the recent "reality"-style format of "The Real World." All this after the British and Canadian "Queer as Folk" seasons not only smashed but shattered former media stereotypical images.

  Focusing on the now-novelty of preference lifestyles, the "Boy Meets Boy"s" "kicker" includes "incognito straights" mixed in with "outed non-straights" to see where the fun may lead.

  The assembled package is light, slick, and with an attractive cast, wardrobe and setting. As in "The Real World," members may sometimes address the camera or have their audio narrator share revelational insights about budding relationships as matters progress.

  The "Boy Meets Boy" series premiered closely after "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," another reality-type confection, also unveiled this month on Bravo" This channel now joins FSTV and the Independent Film Channel as one of the current major networks in innovative programming.

  All these entries seem "transitional" and eventually leading to something quite significant. Just what the outcome is remains to be seen, but a guess is toward an era of full cultural inclusiveness, regardless of lifestyle preference (a time which may be much closer than many people realize).

  A refreshing new day is certainly posed in the horizon as the millennium moves rapidly forward. And the independent movie industry appears at the forefront, offering some intriguing and exciting entrees along the way.

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