

主演:Sarah  Parish  Orla  Brady  Shelley  Conn  Sharon  Small  






Mistresses的四个女人又回来了。只不过这一次他们不再融洽,甚至面临着友谊破裂的危险。第三部发生在第二部故事的两年之后。Siobhan和Dominic的女儿Elsa都已经三岁了。曾经的好朋友为何变得剑拔弩张?一切还要从半年前说起。 在第二部中,Katie和Dan的恋情,因为Katie与老相好重新上床,因此告吹。这一季里,她的母亲出场了,虽然和Katie关系冷淡,但母亲显然具有一双慧眼。一眼就看出Katie正在面临着危险——她和Trudi的老公Richard愈走愈近…… 至于Trudi,面包房的生意蒸蒸日上,但要想长足发展,却也遇到瓶颈。在是否要把房子抵押的问题上,与Richard发生了分歧。Richard曾是一个会计,如今失业在家,当全职爸爸,照顾几个即将步入青春期的女儿。终日看不到事业繁忙的妻子Trudi,他便经常拜托Katie帮忙,可是这将他们所有人都慢慢拖进了悬崖边…… 两年后,Jessica面临着当年Siobhan一样的烦恼——无法生育孩子。Mark的生意一落千丈,终日在家上网,甚至要秘密向Siobhan借钱,而Jessica也不再穿着华服靓衫逍遥快活了,看着三个朋友生活依然滋润,曾经的风流女王开始向着怨妇方向发展…… 至于Siobhan,一个人抚养女儿,但是否真的要和孩子的父亲Dominic组成一个家庭?她不是没有期待,然而后者却带来了他的未婚妻…… Love is a tangled web。一切更加混乱。
Two years have passed and the once-unbreakable bond between best friends Katie, Trudi, Jessica and Siobhan has been shattered. As the girls gather it‘s clear their relationship has changed dramatically: there‘s tension in the room and no happy greetings. What could have happened to bring them to this?
  Six months earlier, Katie returned from Australia after her relationship with Dan failed. Her life isn‘t back on track; she‘s lonely but pretending she‘s fine. When her widowed mum Vivienne turns up on her doorstep after travelling abroad she‘s less than thrilled. The pair have a frosty relationship and Vivienne‘s interfering doesn‘t make things easy. Vivienne sees Katie embarking on another potentially explosive and destructive relationship, but Katie refuses to listen to her mother.
  Trudi‘s cake-making business has grown and it‘s taken over her life. Richard is now a stay-at-home dad, and with three teenage girls to keep in line it‘s a tough job. Their relationship is struggling under Trudi‘s increasing workload so an offer from investor Chris Webb to buy the business is more than welcomed by Richard. However Trudi won‘t consider giving it up, causing Richard to confide in someone who could destroy everything.
  Jessica is desperate to have a baby. A miscarriage 18 months ago and no luck since has made her realise what she really wants from life: a family. With Mark still recovering from bankruptcy, IVF looks unlikely until he seeks a loan from a secret source.
  Siobhan is a happily single mum enjoying the quiet life with her daughter Elsa, but when Elsa‘s father Dominic visits from America it‘s not just his daughter who‘s thrilled to see him. There is a huge shock in store for her that will change her plans entirely.